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How to set Bill Value Wise Hourly Schemes in Marg Software?


  • Go to Rate & Discount Master Bill,Date & Other > Bill Value wise Scheme.

On the 'Item free on Bill Value' window, firstly select New Bill/Always as per the requirement.

1. New BillIn this option, bill discount will only work on the new bills which are being created after mention the bill value wise scheme.

2. Always : In this option, bill discount also works for the old bills as well but needs to re-save the old  bills.

Select Both/Cash/Credit as per the requirement.

1.CashIn this option, software will only calculate the bill value wise scheme on cash transactions.

2.Credit : In this option, software will only calculate the bill value wise scheme on credit transactions.

3.Both : In this option, software will calculate the bill value wise scheme on the both i.e Cash & Credit transactions.

Suppose select 'Both'.

Select before tax/ after tax as per the requirement.

1.Before Tax : When the bill value wise scheme needs to be issued before tax.

2.After Tax : When the bill value wise scheme needs to be issued after tax.

Suppose select 'Before Tax'.

Valid time: Now the user will mention the time period/hours upto which the discount needs to be given to the customers. 

Suppose we need to apply the discounts on the product sold between 14:00 to 16:00 pm . 

Note: The time should be in 24-hrs format.

  • Now mention the criteria for the bill value wise scheme to be issued.
  • Suppose mention on the bill value of Rs. 100.

  • Now mention the quantity to be issued on the defined bill value.
  • Suppose mention 1.

  • Now select the item which needs to be issued as free with a defined bill value.
  • Suppose select 'Amifru 40'.

  • Similarly, the user can set multiple criteria for the bill discount.
  • Press 'Ctrl+W' key to save the changes.

  • Then click on 'Accept'.

After following the above steps, the software will automatically pick the scheme as per the defined criteria.

  • Suppose create a bill of Rs 100 and saving it by pressing 'Tab' key.

  • As the user can view that software has auto picked 1 quantity of 'Amifru 40' as scheme (as per the defined time).

  • Now simply the user will save the transaction by clicking on 'Yes' tab.

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