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How to set Bill Value wise Discount in Marg Software ?



In Marg Software, the user can set discount for the whole bill on the basis of its value.

Suppose the user needs to issue 5% discount on the sale bill if Bill Value exceeds or up to  ₹1000 then this can be done easily.

In order to set Bill Value wise Discount, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Rate & Discount Master > Bill, Date & Other > Bill Value wise Discount.

Note: Resolve an alert of 'Bill Discount is off in setup, Required on sales'

On the bill discount window, firstly mention the date range i.e. from which date to which bill discount needs to be issued to the customer.

Now Select New Bill/Always as per the requirement.

a. New Bill : In this option, bill discount will only work on the new bills which are being created after mention the bill discount.

b. Always : In this option, bill discount also works for the old bills as well but needs to re-save the old  bills.

Select Both/Cash/Credit as per the requirement.

a. Cash : In this option, software will only calculate the bill discount on cash transactions.

b. Credit : In this option, software will only calculate the bill discount on credit transactions.

c. Both : In this option, software will calculate the bill discount on the both i.e Cash & Credit transactions.

Suppose select 'Both'.

  • Select before tax/ after tax as per the requirement.
  • a. Before Tax : When the bill discount needs to be charged before tax.
  • b. After Tax : When the bill discount needs to be charged after tax.
  • Suppose select 'Before Tax'.

  • Select whether the discount needs to be issued in pPercentage or Amount.
  • Suppose select Percentage.

  • Now mention the criteria for the discount to be issued.
  • Suppose mention 5% discount on the bill value of Rs 1000.

  • Similarly user can set multiple criteria for the bill discount.
  • Press 'ESC' key to save the changes.

Now the user can view Bill value is upto ₹ 1000, the software will issue 5% discount (as shown below).

After following the above steps the user can set Bill Value wise Discount in Marg Software.

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