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How to calculate points on the basis of Item Qty in Marg Software?



Point System is a marketing strategy designed to attract customers or encourage customers to continue shopping from the same outlet.

With the help of Point System, the customers earn points for visits or transactions (Value wise OR Item wise) that can be further redeemed on their next visit or purchase.

In order calculate points on the basis of item qty, the user will follow the below steps:

  • Firstly go to  Masters >> Rate & Discount Master >> Point Setting.

  • Point System window will appear where user has to set the details of point system that is required to give to its customers.

a. Points Calculation on Y-Value I-Item/Quantity wise: In this option, the user will select 'I'.

b. Points Calculate on B-Both R-Retail W-Wholesale This means that whether the points needs to be calculated on basis of Retail (R), Wholesale (W) or both (B).

c. Points Calculate on Cash & Card Ledger Sales: The sales are being done both through cash and card; so if the points needs to be calculated then select “Y” else “N”.

d. Points Calculate on Stock Less: This means whether the points needs to be calculated when the stock is less or not.

e. Points Calculate on Special Scheme Items: This means that whether the points needs to be calculated on special items or not.

f. Points Calculate in Retail Billing: Billing is being done in 2 ways i.e. one are wholesalers; whose customers are fixed. They maintain their ledgers and billing is being done on the basis of ledger.

Second is Retail Billing; mostly the customers are not fixed who visits for shopping in supermarket then in this case the billing is being done on basis of Mobile No:. Here, the user will select “A” in order to calculate the points.

g. If Points Item/Qty. wise, Points Round off: This option works with “a” point i.e. if the user requires that the points get round off then select “Y” else “N”.

h. Item Default Points/Quantity (If apply on all items): Here, the user can set the default points and quantities like on 5 quantities 1 point is being received. The user can also change the points on any item as per the requirement. This option works only when the points are being calculated on Item basis.

  • Now go to Masters > Inventory Master > Item Master.

  • An 'Items' window will appear.
  • Select item for which the points needs to be calculated.
  • Suppose select 'Amifru 40 10T'.
  • Then press 'F3' on it

  • Then a 'Modify Product' window will appear. 
  • In 'Points/Quantity' option, the user will mention the how many points the user needs to calculate on the quantity of the item.
  • Suppose mention '2(Points)/10(Qty)'.

  • Then press 'Ctrl+W' and click on 'Yes' to save the changes.

After following the above steps, the software will calculate the points on the basis of Qty at the time of creating a sale bill.

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