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How to Manage Stock Clearance Sale in Marg Software ?



Overview & Introduction to Stock Clearance in Marg ERP Software

Process of Stock Clearance in Marg ERP Software


  • Sometimes, there are few items with which are not being sold and want that that stock should be sold out as soon as possible. In order to sell them, there are two ways. Either the user can wait for the order for those items else can push those items for sale.
  • Marg ERP Software has developed an option “Stock Clearance” through which the user can set some items which are required to be sold out as soon as possible from the stock.
  • Marg Software sees that if any customer has purchased any item either yesterday or 2-3 days back from the user then that particular item should not be sold again to that particular customer. The user can specify the days as per need and requirement.
  • So, in this way the items will get sold out one by one to the customers from the stock. Those items which the customers usually purchases from the user will get their stock and the stock of the user will also get cleared. In this way the user does not have to wait for the order of that particular product.


  • Firstly, go to Masters > Rate and Discount Master > Stock Clearance Items

  • Now Stock Clearance Scheme as on window will appear where the user will press Enter to select the stock.

  • Thereafter the user will select the item (Whose stock needs to be cleared in sale).
  • Suppose, select 'Acenderm Lot'.

a. From Date: Mention the date from which the stock clearance sale needs to be started.

b. To Date: Mention the date till which the stock clearance sale needs to be ended.

C.Rate: Mention the rate of item (during the stock clearance sale).

Suppose, mention Rs 10.

  • Now mention the percentage of discount to be given to the customer during the stock clearance sale.
  • Suppose, mention 1%

  • Similarly, the user can load other items (if required).
  • Now press ESC key to save the changes.

  • An Exit window will appear.
  • Click on 'Yes' to save the changes.

  • Now the user can view that software will pick the rate according to the scheme (during stock clearance sale).
  • Suppose, in our case, the rate of 'Acnederm Lot' is Rs 20.

However, the software is automatically picking the rate of the item as 'Rs 10' because the item is being sold during the period of stock clearance sale.

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