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How to set party categorization for Discount in Marg Software?



Party Categorization for Discounts option enables the user to categorize their parties (customers) and set the discount according to their categorization.

Suppose if there are 1000 approx. parties and the user needs to set party wise company discounts then the user needs to set discounts for parties one by one which is a hectic and time consuming process.

Party Wise Company Discount

Party Categorization for Discounts

Process of Party Wise Company Discount in Marg ERP Software

Process of Party Categorization for Discounts in Marg ERP Software

Go to Masters>>Rate & Discount Master>>Party Categorization & Discount 

Fig. 1.1 Menu View to Party Categorization & Discount Option in Marg ERP Software

A “Party Category” window will appear in which the below mentioned categories can be renamed as per the user’s requirement.

Fig. 1.2 View of Party Category Window in Marg ERP Software

In order to rename the category, go to Masters>>Marg  Setups>>Control Room

Fig. 1.3 Menu View to Control Room in Marg ERP Software

Select “Search in All” option

Fig. 1.4 Selecting “Search in All” option in Marg ERP Software

Search for “DISCOUNT” under Search? option and Click on “Accept(as shown below)

Fig. 1.5 Searching for Discount from Control Room in Marg ERP Software

A Discount window will appear with different options. Here, the user can rename these Categories as mentioned as per their own requirement like 3 Star, 4 Star, 5 Star or Category A, Category B or Category C. 

Fig. 1.6 View of Discount Option Window from Control Room in Marg ERP Software

Now, select “Potential Customers” from Party Category window

Fig. 1.7 Selecting Potential Customer Option in Marg ERP Software

Then Select “Discounts” from Potential Customer window.

Fig. 1.8 Selecting Discounts Option in Marg ERP Software

Now, the user will define A, B & C discount in Item Discount % option as shown below

Fig. 1.9 Defining Item Discount % in Marg ERP Software

The user can also set discounts on the basis of the Companies under Potential Customer Party Category i.e. what discounts will be applied in these companies under Potential Customer category. 

Fig. 1.10 View of Potential Customer Party Category in Marg ERP Software

For example: The user needs to give which discount to E. Merk Pvt. Ltd. i.e. A (30%), B (28%) or C (25%). Suppose, B discount is given i.e. the item which is being sold of this particular company then “B” discount will be applied on it (28%) as defined by the user. So, in this way the user can set company wise discount.

**Please note that if there are discounts defined anywhere then the software will first check the discounts which is being defined under Item Discounts.

The user can also define or specify discounts for a particular company separately i.e. if the user needs to give special discounts to a particular company for e.g. The user needs to give special discount to Ranbaxy Limited then the user will set 35% discount for it and it can be seen in the software that a special discount is being given to this particular company indicated with a colour change.

Fig. 1.11 Defining Special Discounts in Marg ERP Software

When the user press “Esc” key then Marg ERP Software shows that particular company separately on the top with blue colour. 

Fig. 1.12 View of Special Discount Company in Marg ERP Software

Brk/Exp Discount: It means that the user can set Brk/Exp discount i.e. when the user receives the Brk/Exp then how much discount must be applicable at that time.

Scheme:  The user can also define the scheme as same as Brk/Exp discount.

Credit Limit: It means that if the credit limit of 10000 is defined here and the user has selected “Fix” here then it means it ignores the credit limit which is being set in the ledger of the party and firstly check the credit limit which is being defined here.

Example: The Credit Limit is 10000 and it is fix here and in other detail of Narala Pharma the credit limit which is being set is 5000 (as shown below). 

Fig. 1.13 Process of Credit Limit in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.14 View of Other Detail window of Narala Pharma Ledger in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.15 View of Credit Limit in Narala Pharma Ledger in Marg ERP Software

So, the user will now generate the sale bill.

Fig. 1.16 Process of Creation of Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Select the Party i.e. Narala Pharma and the item

Fig. 1.17 Selection of Party for Creation of Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

The user can view that the software has not indicated that the credit limit has been crossed for the bill amount Rs. 5017. 

Fig. 1.18 View of Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

But if the bill amount is Rs. 12,432 then the software will indicate that the credit limit has been crossed as shown below.

Fig. 1.19 View of Alert Message Indication Window in Marg ERP Software

So, in this way the software will ignore the credit limit which is being set in the ledger of the party and check the limit which is being set in “Potential Customer” window.

When the user selects “Party” then the software checks the credit limit in the ledger of the party

Fig. 1.20 Selecting “Party” for Credit Limit option in Marg ERP Software

Credit Bills & Credit Days: The user can set the “Credit Bills” & “Credit Days” in the same way.

The condition which will be true out of these three options; the software will check that first. So, in this way the user can set discounts category wise as per the requirement.

Fig. 1.21 View of Potential Customer Window in Marg ERP Software

Now, press “Esc” key and then select “Potential Customer”.

Fig. 1.22 Selecting Potential Customer option in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.23 Selecting Parties Option in Marg ERP Software

The user will select those parties which is required to be kept under Potential customer category. For e.g. select “Narala Pharma” and then enter “Yes”.

This means if the user selects “Yes” then the special discounts will get deleted and those discounts which is being set in this category will be applied here. Also, the party will get selected only if the user selects “Yes” otherwise it will not get selected if the user selects “No”.

Fig. 1.24 Selecting Parties for Potential Customer Category in Marg ERP Software

In the same way, the user will select “National Pharma” & Pankaj Pharma” party or any other party which needs to come under “Potential Customer” category

Fig. 1.25 View of Potential Customer Parties & Balances in Marg ERP Software

Now, press “Esc” and enter “Yes”.

Fig. 1.26 Process to Exit from Potential Customer Parties window in Marg ERP Software

Now, let’s generate the Sale Bill

Fig. 1.27 Menu View to Creation of Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Select “Party” i.e. Narala Pharma

Fig. 1.28 Selecting Party for Creation of Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Then the user will press “F9” function key in order to select the company of whose items needs to be filtered.  The user can also view that the item belongs to which company.

Fig. 1.29 Pressing F9 function key in Marg ERP Software

Suppose the user selects “E. Merk Pvt. Ltd.” and view that all the items of this particular company is being displayed here. The user will select the item “Concor 5”.

Fig. 1.30 Selecting Company items for Creation of Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.30 Selecting Items for Creation of Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

The user can view that 28 is being displayed automatically under discount column i.e. the discount will be displayed which is being already set under this particular company.

Fig. 1.31 View of Discount in Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Similarly, the user will select items for “Elder India”.  The user can view that 25 is being displayed under discount column i.e. the discount which is being set company wise will get displayed here. 

Fig. 1.32 View of Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Now, the user will press “Tab” key to save the sale bill.

Fig. 1.33 Saving the Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

In this way, the user can set discounts for different categories of their customers.

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