Home > Margerp > Rate And Discount Master > How to set Party Company wise Discount for Brk / Exp in Marg Software?
With the help of this option, the user can enter the company wise Brk/Exp discount for particular party as per the requirement.
In order to set party company wise Brk/Exp discount, the user will follow the below steps:
After following the above steps, the software will be picked discount at the time of creating Brk/Exp entry.
1. Go to Master > Rate and Discount Master > Party Company Discount .
2. A 'Ledgers' window will appear where select Party as per the requirement.Press 'Enter' key.
3. The user will select 'Company Discount'.
4. Then press 'Enter' key on the company on which brk/exp discount needs to be set.
5. In 'Brk/Exp Discount' mention Discount % and press 'ESC' to Save.