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How to set the Maximum Discount for the Company in Marg Software?



Marg ERP software has an option to fix the maximum discount for the selected product's company. 

The option will work in the relation of the category of the ledger.

The option saves the time of the operator and will reduce the chances of error to issue extra discount by mistake.

  • Go to Masters Rate & Discount Master > Maximum Settings > Maximum Company Discount.

  • Maximum Company Discount window will appear.
  • Select the company for which the discount needs to be fixed then press Enter.
  • Thereafter mention the Discount% beside the category of the ledger.
  • Suppose, mention 2 % for the retailers.

Important!! this options works in the relation of Product's company and the category of ledger, suppose if the ledger is in the 'Retailer' category and we've defined 2% maximum discount of the 'E.MERK PVT LTd.' for the retailers then user will only able to issue up to 2% discount for all the retailers created in the software.

  • Similarly, the user will define the discount% for all the categories. 
  • Press ESC key to save the changes.

Suppose we are creating the sale bill for party 'A', which is in 'Retailer' category therefore, when we select the item of 'E.Merk Pvt ltd' and issued the 5% discount to the party.

Then simply software indicates that 'Maximum Discount Limit' is 2! and had picked 2% discount automatically.

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