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If while generating Re Order for selected Supplier auto company does not select then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?



In Marg Software, if while generating Re-Order for selected Supplier auto company does not select and Proper Reorder is not generating then it can be resolved easily.

  • Suppose the user go to Daily working > Re-order Management.

  • A 'Reorder for Sales Bases' window will appear.
  • In 'Selected Supplier' option, the user click on 'Selected'.

  • A 'Ledgers' window will appear.
  • Suppose the user select supplier 'Ranbaxy India Ltd.'.

  • A 'Best Discounts' window will appear.
  • Here the user can view only 3 companies has been auto-selected.

  • Now the user wants that 'E.Merk Pvt Ltd' and 'Elder India' should also be auto select.

In order to set Company to auto select in Re-order, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Masters > Supplier vs company > Supplier wise Company.

  • A 'Ledgers' window will appear.
  • The user will select the supplier for which company needs to set.
  • Suppose select 'Ranbaxy India Ltd.'.

  • A selected supplier window will appear.
  • The user will press 'Enter' key on a selected company which needs to be set to select auto in reoder.
  • Suppose select 'E.Merk PVT LTD.'.

  • In DropDown, the user will select 'Yes' and press 'Enter' key.

  • Similarly, the user will set for 'Elder India'.