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How to do Registration for Marg Mart in Marg Software ?



Overview Of Marg Mart In Marg Software

Process Of Registration For Marg Mart In Marg Software


  • Marg ERP has introduced MargMart Website for its users, which allows them to effortlessly create their own website in just a few clicks.
  • It will be a fully customized e-commerce website connected directly to your Marg ERP database i.e. the customer orders will directly come into Marg ERP Software.
  • The stock will be live updated on your website, and you can easily add or remove items from the software on the website. Apart from this, the Rates, schemes, and much more can be managed through the software, and all the updates you make in the software will also be reflected on your website.


  • Go to Masters > Margmart.com.

  • A 'MargMart.com-your Own website' window will appear.
  • Firstly the user will select business type as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Distributor'.

  • Now the user will select business trade.
  • Suppose select 'Pharma'.

In 'Working Hours', the user will select the timing for the business.

a. Whole Day: Select the option if working hours are for whole day.

b. Day shifts: Select the option if work timing are in shift.

  • In 'Working Days', the user will select days on which day business remains open as per the requirement
  • Suppose place check on 'All Days'.

  • Now the user will click on 'Save & Open My Website'.

  • A 'Welcome Retailer' window will appear.
  • The user can view company details will get auto pick for website registration.

  • The user will add Company Logo for Website as per the requirement.
  • Click on 'Choose File'.

  • A window will appear to select the path and file of the logo where it has been saved.
  • Click on 'Open'.

  • The user can view Company Logo will get import.

  • Verify all the company details and if needs to change any details it can be done as per the requirement.

  • Now the user will click in 'Short URL', where suggested URL for the website can be viewed.
  • The user will select URL and can also mention URL as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'MargERP'.

  • Place the check mark on 'Accept Terms & Conditions'.

  • Now the user will click on 'Next'.

  • A 'Choose your Theme' window will appear, where the user can view 2 themes for the Website.

  • Click on 'Preview' to view the theme.

  • The user can view the Website theme.

  • The user will click on 'Select' to set the Theme for the Website as per the requirement.
  • Click on 'Submit & Continue'.

  • A popup of 'Your account created succesfully and password generate link has been sent to your email' will appear.

  • The user can view 'Your Store Qrcode' is displaying on the page. Using this QR code, customers can be redirected to the company's website.
  • Click on 'Download' option to download the Qrcode.

  • Now the user will click on 'Next'.

  • A 'Thank you for Registration with Marg Mart' popup will appear.

  • The user will click on 'Continue to Login'.

  • A Webpage will open to login for the panel.

  • The user will receive email for generating password to login on the panel.
  • Click on 'Click here for generate Password'.

  • A 'Confirm Password' window will appear, where the Registered email id will get auto fetch.

  • The user will mention the password which needs to be generate for Website panel as per the requirement.
  • Click on 'Submit'.

  • A alert of 'Your account has been activated successfully' will appear.

  • Click on 'Back to Login'.

  • Website login panel will get open.
  • The user will mention the generated Id and Password and click on 'Log In'.

After following the above steps, the Registration process will get completed and user Website panel will get open.

Here the user can do setting for Website.

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