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How to view item wise Last sale Report of billed party at the time of creating sale bill ?



In Marg Software, there is no need for the user to exit from Sale bill window to view Item wise last sale details of billed party. The user can easily view Item wise last sale details of billed party at the time of creating sale bill.

1. For which simply, the user will press 'F9' key on blank line.

2. A Detail window will appear. Select Sale To Party.

3. An Items window will appear in which the user will select item and then press Enter on it.

4. Then selected item last sale report will display.

5. In order to print report the user will press Alt+P.

6. Thereafter, a next page heading window will appear. Press Enter and click on Accept.

7. Now, a printer port window will appear in which the user will select printer port from the drop down according to the requirement and then click on Okay to print report.

After following the above steps, the user can view or print item wise Last sale report of billed party.

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