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How to switch over to the Outstanding from the sale analysis window ?



There are many reports under 'Sale Analysis' report.

Suppose: The user needs to switch over to  Outstanding Report  from the sale book.

  • Firstly, the user needs to press CTRL+J on the sales book window to view the Outstanding Report.

  • Switch Over window will appear.
  • The user will select Report Manager. Press Enter.

  • Switch Over window will appear.
  • The user will select Outstanding. Press Enter.

  • A ledgers Window will appear.
  • The user will select the ledger. Press Enter.
  • Suppose, select ‘B. LaL & Sons.’

  • An Outstanding window will appear.
  • The user will enter the date as per the requirement.
  • Then click on ‘OK’.

  • In the next window, the report will get generated where the user will press ALT+P to print the report.

  • A Reports window will appear in which the user will select Outstanding List => Party wise.

  • An Outstanding List => Party wise window will appear.
  • The user will select the other options as per the requirement.
  • Then click on View/Print as per the requirement.
  • Suppose, Click on View.

After following the above steps, the user will switch over to Outstanding report.

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