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How to View Waiter Wise Collection Report in Restaurant setup of Marg ERP Software ?



With the help of Marg ERP Software, the user can view the Waiter Wise Collection Report in Restaurant Setup.

In order to view to Waiter Wise Collection Report he report, the user must follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Go to Books > Collection Reports > Waiter Collection.

A 'Waiter Collection' Window will appear.

a. Operator Name: The user will select the operator name as per the requirement.

b. Other Cash: The user will select 'Yes' to view report with other cash and 'Only' to view Only Other Cash transactions otherwise keep it as 'No'.

c. Statement From-To: The user will mention the date range from which till which date report needs to be viewed.

d. Report Type: The user will select format of report summary, register e.t.c as per the requirement.

e. Index On: The user will select the basis for indexing of report as per the requirement.

f. Single Party: The user will select 'Yes' if single party report needs to be viewed.

g. Day Total: The user will select 'Yes' if the report needs to be generate with Day wise total.

h. Less Expenses: The user can mention the less expenses percentage as per the requirement.

i. Commission %: The user can mention the waiter commission as per the requirement.

j. Bank/Cash/Both: The user can select the options for including Receipt as per the requirement.

k. Less Payment: The user can set 'Yes' to less payments from the report otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

l. Adjustment: The user can set 'Yes' to view report with Adjustments otherwise keep the option 'No'.

m. Group: The user can select 'All' to view all group wise report otherwise select 'Selected' to view selected group wise report.

n. Remark: The user can update the remark for report as per the requirement.

o. Line After Entry: The user will select 'Yes' for printing Line after Entry otherwise keep it as 'No'.

p. Receipt Wise: The user will select 'Yes' for generating Receipt wise report otherwise keep it as 'No'.

Click on 'View/Print' as per the requirement.

Suppose click on 'View'.

  • The user will select waiter as per the requirement and press 'Enter' key.

Note: The user will Press 'Spacebar' or Plus '+' key to select a particular waiter or Press Asterisk '*' to select All waiters. 

After following the above steps, the user can view Waiter Wise Collection Report in Restaurant Setup of Marg ERP Software.

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