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How to view Waiter wise Gross Profit Summary Report in Restaurant setup of Marg ERP Software ?


  • Go to Reports > Management Report > Gross Profit Analysis > Monthly G.P. (Values) > Waiter G.P. Summary.

The user will select the filters as per the requirement.

a. From: The user will enter the date from which report needs to be viewed.

b. To: The user will enter the date till which report needs to be viewed.

c. Operator Name: The user will select the 'Operator Name' for which report needs to be generated.

d. Terminal: The user will mention the 'Terminal Name' for which report needs to be viewed.

e. Order From App/Non App: The user will select the type of 'Orders' that needs to be shown in report.

f.  Report on: The user will select the 'Valuation Basis - Goods Value/Bill Value' on which report needs to be generated.

g. With Challan: If the user needs to include the challan select 'Yes' otherwise keep it as ‘No’.

h. St. Less: Select option as per the requirement.

No: Select if the user needs to view the report without Challan transaction.

Yes: Select if the user needs to view the report with Challan transaction.

Only: Select only if the user needs to view the Challan report only.

i. %: The user will select 'Yes' for viewing percentage otherwise keep it as 'No'.

Click on 'View/Print/Excel' button as per the requirement.

Suppose select 'View'.

After following the above steps, the user can view Waiter Wise Sale Return Report will get generated in Restaurant Setup of Marg ERP Software.


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