Home > Margerp > Restore Backup > How to Restore Financial Year Backup in Marg ERP Software ?
Overview Of Restore Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software
Process To Restore Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software
Overview Of Restore Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software
Important : Before Restoring Financial Year Backup, following things needs to kept in mind:
Process To Restore Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software
Note: If at the time of clicking on 'Restore Backup' display an alert 'You are not authorised' then the user can resolve this issue by click on the given link : shorturl.at/byF26
A 'Restore of Financial Year' window will appear, with the Exit, Create and Overwrite buttons. The description of these buttons is as follows:
1. Exit: Click this button if the user does not need to restore data backup.
2. Create: Click this button if the user needs to create a new company with the restored data backup.
3. Overwrite: Click this button if the user needs to overwrite the data backup.
Suppose Click on ‘Overwrite’ in order to restore the financial year backup.
After following the above steps, the user can Restore Financial Year Backup in Marg ERP Software.