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How to Restore Financial Year Backup in Marg ERP Software ?



Overview Of Restore Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software

Process To Restore Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software

Overview Of Restore Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software

  • In Marg ERP Software, the need to restore the financial year backup arises to recover the data when it gets corrupt.
  • The user can also restore the financial year backup to compare or analyse the data from the old backup.

Important : Before Restoring Financial Year Backup, following things needs to kept in mind:

  • If software is running on multi user environment, then software must be turned off from all the Client / Node connection.
  • Close Server File  i.e. Auto Backup file.

Process To Restore Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software

  • From the home screen of the software, the user will click on 'Exit' tab or Press 'Alt+X' key.

  • The user will select the company to restore its financial year backup.
  • Suppose select ‘Marg ERP’ and press 'Enter' key.

  • The user will click on ‘Restore Backup’.

Note: If at the time of clicking on 'Restore Backup' display an alert 'You are not authorised' then the user can resolve this issue by click on the given link : shorturl.at/byF26

  • Select 'Restore From File'.

  • Click on 'Directory' button.

  • The user will select the drive from where the backup data is to be restored.
  • Suppose select ‘D Drive’.

  • The user will select the folder in which the backup data is saved.
  • Then, click on ‘OK’ button.

  • Select the backup file that the user needs to restore and then click on ‘Select’.

A 'Restore of Financial Year' window will appear, with the Exit, Create and Overwrite buttons. The description of these buttons is as follows:

1. Exit: Click this button if the user does not need to restore data backup. 

2. Create: Click this button if the user needs to create a new company with the restored data backup.

3. Overwrite: Click this button if the user needs to overwrite the data backup.

Suppose Click on ‘Overwrite’ in order to restore the financial year backup.

  • It will OVERWRITE your existing data with old data’.
  • In ‘Type Restore to start working’ the user will type 'RESTORE'.

  • The user can view that the financial year backup is being restored.

After following the above steps, the user can Restore Financial Year Backup in Marg ERP Software.

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