Home > Margerp > Sale Analysis > How to view Bill wise Collection Report in Marg ERP Software ?
Note: The user will Press 'Spacebar' key or Plus '+' key to select a particular Company or Press Asterisk '*' key to select All Company.
The user will select the option as follows:
a. From-To: The user will feed the date range for which the report needs to be viewed.
b. Operator Name: The user will select the operator name to view the operator report.
c. Terminal: If working in a multi-user environment the user can mention the Terminal/System Name for which the report needs to be generated.
d. Order from App/Non App: The user can include sale orders from the app and non-app.
e. Bill No. From-To: The user will mention the Bill Number range for which report needs to be viewed.
f. Cash/Credit/Discount: The user will select the Type of bill - Cash/Credit/Discount for which report needs to be viewed.
g. Club Cash Sales: The user will select 'Yes' to include Cash Sales in report otherwise keep it as 'No'.
h. Amt=Rate*Qty,Net,R*Q-D: Select the option to view value based on different calculations.
i. Rate: The user will select the rate on which report needs to be viewed.
j. With Challan: Select 'Yes' to view the report with challan or select 'O' to only view the challan otherwise keep it as 'No'.
k. More Item Selections: The user will set the option 'Yes' for more item selections otherwise keep the option as 'No'.
l. Selected Item: The user will set the option 'Yes' to view the report of a particular Item otherwise keep the option as 'No'.
m. Selected Station: The user will set the option 'Yes' to view the report of a particular station otherwise keep the option as 'No'.
n. Selected Area: The user will set the option 'Yes' to view the report in a particular Area otherwise keep the option as 'No'.
o. Selected M.R.: The user will set the option 'Yes' to view the report of a particular M.R. otherwise keep the option as 'No'.
p. Selected Route: The user will set the option 'Yes' to view the report of a particular Route otherwise keep the option as 'No'.
q. Selected Party: The user will set the option 'Yes' to view the report of a particular Party otherwise keep the option as 'No'.
Click on 'View/Print' as per the requirement.
Suppose click on 'View'.
After following the above steps, the user can view the Bill wise Collection Report will get generated in Marg ERP Software.