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How to view sale statement without item detail in Marg Software?



With the help of 'Sale statement w/o item' Report, the user can easily view the sale report with the details of Bill amount, Discount, Tax amount, Net amount, etc.

In order to view sale statement without item detail, the user will follow the below steps:-

  • Go to Reports >> Sale Analysis >> Misc. Sale Report >> Sale Statement W/o Item.

  • A 'Sale Statement' window will appear with different options:

1. Report: Here the user can select the appropriate format in which the user want to generate the report.

2. Date Range: The user will feed the date from which to which the report needs to be viewed.

3. Index On: If the user want to Indexing of the Bill on the certain condition then we can select any option from this available option.

  1. Area
  2. Date
  3. Party

4. Summarised/Detail:  In this option, the user will select whether the user needs to view the summarised report or needs to view the report in detail.

5. Day/Party wise Total: If the user needs to view the party day wise total in the report then select 'Yes', otherwise keep it as default. 

6. With Challan: If the user wants to include the Challan then we can select 'Yes' so that this report contain the value and item details of Including Challan.

7. Total Qty: Select 'Yes' if the report needs to be viewed with total qty.  

8. Operator Name: If we have are working in Multi user environment so here we can select the user name for which we want to generate the report.

9. Terminal: If the user needs to view report for particular terminal then mention it in this option.

10. Order from app or Non app: The user will select either the report needs to be viewed for the orders which have been received through App or for the offline orders.

11. Stock Less: Select option as per the requirement.

  • No: Select if the user needs to view the report without Stock issue transaction.
  • Yes: Select if the user needs to view the report with Stock issue transaction.
  • Only: Select only if the user needs to view the stock issue report only.

12. Selected Company: If the user want the report of any specific Company then  select this option 'Yes' so it will asking to select the specific Company.

13. More Item Selection: If the user needs to filter report with more options then select this option 'Yes', otherwise keep it as default.

14. Selected Station: If the user want the report of any specific Station then select this option 'Yes' so it will asking to select the specific Station.

15. Selected Area: If the user want the report of any specific Area then select this option 'Yes' so it will asking to select the specific Area.

16. Selected M.R: If the user want the report of any specific M.R then select this option 'Yes' so it will asking to select the specific M.R.

17. Selected Route: If the user want the report of any specific Route then we select this option 'Yes' so it will asking to select the specific Route.

18. Selected Party: If the user want the report of any specific Party then we select this option 'Yes' so it will asking to select the specific Party.

19. Print Separate: If the user wants to generate the separate report for Party, Area, Route and M.R. then the user can select option as per the requirement; otherwise keep it as default.

  • One the user has select all this option, then click on 'View/Print' button in order to generate the report.
  • Suppose click on 'View'.

After following the above steps, the sale statement without item will get generated.

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