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How to cancel selected sale order ?



Process to Cancel Selected Sale Order

Overview: In Marg software the user can cancel bill i.e. when a bill is cancelled it doesn’t get deleted and will remain in our records or transactions. As the bill as cancelled, amount and items will be deleted from the bill but bill no., narration will remain in data base

In order to cancel sale order user needs to follow the given steps:

Go to Transaction >> Sales order >> Modify. Press Enter.

A Modify window will appear.

The user will select the options as per the Requirement (i.e. custom, all date etc.).

Now a Sale order as onwindow will appear.

Then Press Enteron selected sale order.

Now a Sale order Alterationwindow will appear.

Click onCancelto cancel the selected sale order.

Now a window for “Cancelation remark” will appear in which user has to feed the remark (i.e. reason to cancel the Challan).

Note: It is mandatory to give any remark before the cancelation of Challan.

Now an alert of “Be Careful” will appear.

Then click onYesto cancel voucher.

The user can view that the selected sale order has been cancelled.

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