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How to view Party wise Sale Tax Register in Marg Software?


  • Go to GST > Tax Registers and Summaries > Sales Register.

  • A 'Sales Register' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'Party Wise Register'.

  • A 'Party Wise Register' window will appear.
  • The user will Feed date range and select other filter options as per the requirement.
  • Now, click on View/Print as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'View'.

  • A 'Heading' window will appear where the user can change the heading of the report as per the requirement.
  • The user will press 'Page Down' key.

  • A 'Select Parties' window will appear.
  • The user will select the parties as per the requirement. Press 'Enter' key.

Note: The user will Press 'Spacebar' or Plus '+' key to select a particular party or Press Asterisk '*' to select All Parties. 

  • Now, the user will press 'Enter' key .

After following the above steps, the user can view Party Sale Tax Register in Marg Software.


1. Go to Books > Sale Register.

2. A 'Sales Accounts' window will appear. Press 'F3' key.

3. A 'Sales Tax Report' window will appear. Press 'Enter' key on 'Sale Tax Register'.

4. The 'Sales Register' window will appear. Press 'Enter' key on 'Party wise Register'.

5. A 'Party wise Register' window will appear.Feed date range and select other filter options as per the requirement.

6. Now, click on 'View/Print' as per the requirement.

7. In next window user will press 'Pagedown' key.

After following the above steps, the user can view the party wise sale tax register.


To know further report user can view a party wise GSTR1 ,user needs to click on the given link https://bit.ly/2QxlGoA.

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