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How to modify sale return challan ?



Process to Modify Sale Return Challan

Overview: In Marg software the user can easily Modify/Create/Deletevouchers or a bill.

In order to modify selected sale return Challan follow the given steps: 

Go to Transaction >> Sales Return  >> Modify Challan. Press Enter.

A Modify window will appear.

The User will Select the options as per the Requirement (i.e. custom, all date etc)

Now a Sale Return Challan as on window will appear.

Then Press Enter on selected entry.

Now a Sale Return Challan Alterationwindow will appear.

Click on“Modify”to modify the selected entry.

Now make changes as per the requirement.

Press Ctrl+W to save the bill.

Then a window will appear for “Save changes”. 

Then click on “Yes” to save the changes.

After following the above steps user can modify the sale return Challan.

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