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How to Create Sale Return without Tax in Marg Software ?


  • Go toTransaction > Sale Return > Credit Note.

  • A 'Sale Return Entry' window will appear.
  • The user will enter the Bill Date as per the requirement.
  • Suppose the user will mention '31.03.2022'.

  • A 'Ledgers' window will appear.
  • The user will select the party for which the sale return transaction needs to be created.
  • Suppose select ‘Ahuja Medicine Centre’.

  • In Party No.', the user will mention the party bill number.
  • Suppose mention '12345'.

  • In 'Dt:', the user will enter the date on which good were received from the debtor for return as per the requirement.

  • Now when the cursor will stop on the sale type then press 'Space Bar' key or 'F2' key on it.

Note: If cursor does not wait on Type Click Here.

  • Select 'LS 0%/CS 0%/LS Tax free' sale type as per the requirement. Press 'Enter' key.
  • Suppose user select 'LS Tax Free'

Note: If All Sale Type not show Click Here.

  • Now the sale type will be change to 'LS Tax Free'.

  • A 'Bill Details' window will appear the user will press 'ESC' key.

Now the user will press 'Enter' to select the item.

  • Now an 'Items' window will appear.
  • The user will select the defected item which has been returned by the customer.

  • Now the user will select item and can view that tax is not being applying on the item.

  • The user will press 'Ctrl+W' key to save the transaction.

  • A 'Save In' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'Save in Bill/Cr/Dr Note'.

  • A 'Save Changes' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'Yes' to save the changes.

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