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If ' In Cash Bill Tender Amount should not be less than Billing Amount ' alert appears in cash billing then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?



In Marg Software, if while doing cash billing an alert of ' In cash Bill, Tender amount should not be less than billing Amount ' appears then it can be resolved easily. 


This issue appears when the mentioned amount for cash is less than the Invoice Value.

  • Suppose Invoice Value is 10.14 and the mentioned amount for cash is only '10'.


In order to resolve ' In cash Bill, Tender amount should not be less than billing Amount ', the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • The user needs to mention the whole Amount equal to the Invoice Value.
  • Suppose mention '10.14'.

After following the above steps, the user can view ' In cash Bill, Tender amount should not be less than billing Amount ' will get resolved in Marg Software.

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