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If Discount auto remove while changing Party in Sale Bill then how to resolve it in Marg ERP Software ?

In Marg ERP Software, the user can resolve the issue if discount auto change while changing Party in Sale Bill.

  • Suppose, the user has created a Sale Bill for 'Ahuja Medicine Centre' party and now wants to change it to 'A2Z Pharmacy' party.

In order to change the party in Sale Bill, the user needs to follow the below process:

  • Go to Transactions < Sale < Modify Bill.

  • The user will enter the date and select other filters as per the requirement.

  • Press 'Enter' key on the bill in which party needs to be changed.

  • Click on 'Modify' button.

  • Press 'SpaceBar' key on party.

  • Press 'Enter' key on the New Party.
  • Suppose select 'A2Z Pharmacy'.

  • The user will type 'Sure' and press 'Enter' key thrice.

  • In 'Load Discount' option, the user will select 'No' and press 'PageDown' key.

After following the above steps, the Discount will not get auto removed while changing Party in Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software.


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