Home > Margerp > Sale > What is the reason if Previous Year Pending Challan Date and Number auto Change after Carrying in New Financial Year in Marg ERP Software ?
If the user wants to forward Pending Sale Challans or Purchase Challans from Previous Year to Current Year, then all the Challans gets Deleted from Previous Year and are transferred to 1st April of the Current Year and the Challan Number sequence begins from 1.
Sale Challans and Purchase Challans affect the Inventory but do not affect the Accounting of the Business. Therefore, it shows in the New Financial Year as a New Entry and if previous Challans are transferred in Current Year with Old Challan Number then it will Create the problem of Missing Numbers.
Suppose the Previous Year is 01-04-2024 to 31-03-2025 and the user has 5 Pending Sale Orders ( as shown in below image ).
Suppose the user has created New Financial Year 01-04-2025 to 31-03-2026.
Now, the user can view that Pending Sale Challans and Purchase Challans will carry Forward on 01-04-2025 and Challan Number will start from CA00001 in New Financial Year.
After following the above steps, the user will be able to know the reason behind Challan Date and Number auto Changing in New Financial Year in Marg ERP Software.