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How to Re-load scheme in bill ?



How to Re-Load Scheme in Bill

In order to re load scheme in bill the user has to follow the certain steps:-

Go to Transactions > Sale > Bill (ALT+N).

After clicking on the bill option then the ledger selection window will appear in which the user will select the ledger.

Then the cursor stops on the item and then the user will press the Enter key Two Times from the keyboard.

Now the item selection window will appear in which the user will select the items.

Now the user will enter the quantity.

Then  select the next item and then the user will press F10 function key from the keyboard.

After that a Scheme window will appear in which the user will set the Load Schemes option to Yes.

After setting the option the Pop-up window will appear “Scheme Loaded!”.

By following the above steps the user can re-load scheme in bill.

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