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How to print Item Shortage in Bill ?



Process to Print Item Shortage in Bill Printing

1. Go to Transactions > Sale > Bill.

2. A Sale entry window will appear in which user will Feed date > Select party > Select item.

3. Then press Ctrl+Home at the end of the items.

4. A Bill Shortage window will be appear > Press enter > Item list will be appear > Select item & feed shortage Qty > Press End key and save shortage details.

5. Now, the user will press Ctrl+W for bill saving

After following the above steps the defined shortage item will print in bill printing.


1. Go to Master MargSetup > Control Room. Press Enter.

2. Control Room window will appear > The user will select ‘Search in All’. Press Enter.

3. Then user will Search “Shortage” > Now click on ‘Accept’.

4. Shortage window will appear.In ‘If Saleable Qty.<Required Qty. (Negative Off)’ set “P” &  If item delete in Bill on modify ask to shift in Bill Shortage Set “Y”.

5. The user will now press Escape key twice > Then click on ‘Yes’ to Save changes.

After following the above steps, when user will delete the item form the bill then a alert will be appear i.e. "Shift in shortage" in which user will click on "Yes" to shift item in shortage and after this process shifted item will print in shortage part in bill printing.

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