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If Tax does not calculate on single item while billing in jewelry trade



If Tax is not calculates on a particular item, then this issue can be resolved.

In order to resolve this issue, the user will follow the below steps:

  • Firstly, press 'Enter' on the item on which tax is not being calculated.

  • Now press 'F3' twice.

  • A 'Modify Product' window will appear.
  • In 'SGST' field, the user will select 'Taxable'.

  • Mention the tax of the item.
  • Suppose mention '1.5'.

  • Then press 'Ctrl+W' and click on 'Yes' to save the changes.

  • Press 'Esc' key.

  • The user will press 'Delete' key to delete the item from the bill.

  • The user will again select the item in bill.
  • After following the above steps, tax will be calculated in bill.

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