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If Tax not Calculate on Particular Item in Sale Challan then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?



if at the time of  sale challan, the software doesn't calculate the tax of the selected item then this issue can be easily resolved: 

  • At the time of billing, the user needs to press 'F2' key on the Qty Field.

  • A 'Levies' window will appear.
  • In 'Tax Paid' option the user will type 'T'.
  • Then press 'Page Down' key to save the details.

  • Now the user can view the tax will successfully applied on the particular item.

  • The user will press 'Ctrl+W' key to save the bill.

  • A 'Save Changes' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Yes' to save the changes.

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