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How to Create Beautician Master in Saloon Management of Marg ERP Software ?


  • Go to Accounts > O.P.D. Management.

  • ‘Main Menu’ window will appear.
  • The user will select the ‘Beautician Master’.

a. Beautician Name: The user will mention the beautician’s Name.

b. Id Number: The ID Number will auto-pick by the software.

c. Father Name: The user will mention the beautician’s Father Name.

d. Gender: The user will select the Gender of the beautician.

e. Date of Birth: The user will mention the beautician’s Date of Birth.

f. Joining Dt: The user will mention the beautician’s joining Date.

g. Reg No.: The user will mention the Reg No. as per the requirement.

h. Chamber no.: The user will mention the Chamber No. as per the requirement.

i. Leaving Date: The user will mention the Leaving Date of the beautician as per the requirement.

j. Local Address: The user will mention the Local Address of the beautician.

k. City & Pin code: The user will mention the City and pin code of the beautician.

l. State: The user will mention the State of the beautician.

m. Perm. Add: The user will mention the Permanent Address of the beautician.

n. City & Pin code: The user will mention the Permanent Address’s City and PIN code of the beautician.

o. State: The user will mention the Permanent Address’s State of the beautician.

p. Contact Nos.: The user will mention the contact no. of the beautician.

q. Mobile Nos: The user will mention the Mobile no. of the beautician.

r. Degree & Special: The user will mention the Degree & Speciality of the beautician.

s. E-mail ID: The user will mention the E-mail ID of the beautician.

t. Salary & Comm.: The user will mention the Salary & Commission of the beautician.

u. Consult Fees: The user will mention the Consult Fees of the beautician.

v. Picture: The user will add the Image of the beautician.

  • Now the user will click on 'Shift Details'.

  • The user will set the Shift details of the beautician as per the requirement.
  • Click on 'Save'.

  • Now the user will click on 'Save'.

  • Click on 'Cancel' to exit from the window.
  • A Marg Compusoft 'Are you sure to Exit' window will appear.
  • Click on 'Yes'.

After following the above steps, the user can create Beautician Master in Saloon Master of Marg ERP Software.

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