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If Server file does not Take Backup then how to resolve it in Marg Software?



In Marg ERP Software, if Server file is not taking backup automatically then this issue can be resolved.

  • To resolve this issue user will press 'F10' on server file.

  • Server file will open. In 'Backup' option, the user will select "Yes".
  • Then press enter on it.

  • Now, all backup options will display. in 'Take Backup After'option, the user will mention in how many time the user wants to take backup.

Suppose, Mention "120min".

  • In 'First Backup After' option, the user will mention first backup time according to the requirement.

Suppose, Mention "15min".

  • Then press page down key on it.

After following t he above steps, the server file will be take backup automatically.

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