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Google Drive | One Drive | Cloud Backup in Marg Software



Overview of Cloud Backup in Marg ERP Software

Process of Cloud Backup in Marg ERP Software


  • Cloud Backup protects the data from being lost as generally the software backup is stored in pen drive or hard disk and can be either stolen or get crashed.
  • So to secure the data, the provision of Cloud Backup enables the user to upload the data online and directly store it in google drive.
  • The user can also access the data from anywhere and restore the backup as per the requirement.


  • Firstly, Go to Masters > Cloud Backup. Press Enter.

  • A Backup on Cloud window will appear.

  • At the right side, the user can view the steps to setup Cloud Backup.

  • To setup Cloud Backup, click on ‘Connect’.

  • A Login Page will appear.
  • The user will enter the e-mail.

  • Click on ‘Next’.

  • The user will now enter the password.
  • Click on ‘Next’.

  • If there’s proxy is set in the browser, a page of ‘This app isn’t verified’ will appear and if the proxy isn’t set, then a page of Google drive permission will appear.
  • So, if the page of ‘This app isn’t verified’ appears then click on ‘Advanced’.

  • Now click on ‘Go to Marg Google Drive’.

  • A Grant Marg Google Drive permission window will appear.
  • Click on ‘Allow’.

  • A Confirm your choices page will appear.
  • Again, click on ‘Allow’.

  • A page of ‘Google Permission allowed’ will appear i.e. the user can view that the google permission is granted and the setup or cloud backup will be completed.

  • To store manual backup in google drive, select the company from List of Companies window whose backup is to be saved in cloud.
  • Suppose, select ‘Marg ERP Ltd.’

  • A Selected Company’s window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Backup of Financial Year’. Press Enter

  • A Backup window will appear.
  • The user will select the financial year to take the backup. Press Enter.

  • A Manual Backup window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Backup on Google Drive’. Press Enter.

  • A Marg Backup Directory window will appear in which the user will select the location to save the backup. Click on ‘Ok’.

NOTE: The software is asking to save backup in the system because if in case there’s no internet then software will take the backup in system and the user can easily upload data on google drive when internet will be available.

  • In Backup on Cloud window, the user can view the manual backup which was taken i.e. the backup is uploaded on google drive.

  • To store auto backup in google drive, go to server.exe window.
  • In ‘Backup on’, the user will select whether to take backup on Google drive or One drive.
  • Suppose, select ‘Google drive’.

  • The user will now select how to store the backup i.e. ‘Direct on Cloud Drive’, ‘Save in App Storage Directory’, ‘Direct & App Storage Directory’ or ‘Not Required’ accordingly.
  • If the user wants to store the backup directly on Cloud Drive then select ‘Direct on Cloud Drive’.

  • If the user has installed Google drive app in the system and wants that the backup should be stored in Google drive offline app then select ‘Save in App Storage Directory’.
  • So, if in case the user doesn’t have internet then the software will timely take backup in Google drive app. Then after internet availability, the backup will be uploaded.

  • The user will now enter the location where the Google Drive app is saved in ‘App Storage Path’.

Fig 1.1 View of Google Drive location

  • If the user wants that the backup should be saved directly on Google drive and Google drive offline app then select ‘Direct & App Storage Directory’

  • Suppose, select ‘Direct on Google Drive’.

  • The user will now run Server.exe.
  • The user can view that as per the given time, server.exe will start taking the backup and will save the backup directly on Google drive.

  • The user can view that the backup has been successfully uploaded on Google Drive.

NOTE: In Auto Backup, the last backup of the current day will be uploaded on Google Drive along with the first backup of the next day.

NOTE: The similar of uploading backup on Google Drive can be followed for One Drive.

  • To upload backup on One Drive, in ‘Backup on’ select ‘One Drive’.

  • The user will select how to store the backup i.e. ‘Direct on Cloud Drive’, ‘Save in App Storage Directory’, ‘Direct & App Storage Directory’ or ‘Not Required’ accordingly.

  • Then, from the Backup on Cloud window the user will select ‘One Drive’.

  • Click on ‘Connect’.

  • The user will follow the same steps of uploading backup on Google Drive for One Drive.
  • Click on ‘Upload’ to upload any data of the system on Google Drive or One Drive.

  • To download any data uploaded on One Drive, the user will select the required data and click on ‘Download’.

  • To delete any data uploaded on One Drive, the user will select the required data and click on ‘Delete’.

  • If the user has uploaded any data on Google Drive but it does not display in this list then select ‘Refresh Data’.

  • To take backup by logging in to a different user, select ‘Change User’.

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