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How to take Server Backup | Auto Backup in Marg Software?



Overview/Introduction to Take Server Backup in Marg ERP Software

Process to Take Server Backup in Marg ERP Software


  • Server Backup allows taking Automatic Backup of all companies’ time wise i.e. the user can take the backup of all the Companies all together at once from Server Backup. 
  • Server Backup stores the Software backup on 7 Different locations like on external drives (Pen drives, Hard disk, etc.) & on Cloud (FTP, Website, Server, etc.) which reduces the chances of Data loss as the data can be easily recovered.


  • Go to the location where the Marg ERP Software is being installed.
  • Double click on the 'Server' file. as shown in the below image.

  • Then an Authorization, Backup, Services Server screen will appear.
  • Select the 'Yes' option from the Server Type Authorization drop down list.
  • Select the 'Yes' option from the Backup drop down list.
  • Select the 'Yes' option from the Services drop down list.

  • Then press 'Enter' key on it.
  • The settings related to server type authorization, backup and services are displayed.

The description of some important settings is as follows:
  • Take Backup After: Define the Backup time interval, i.e. the software will automatically take the complete backup after every defined minute. For example, if the user defines 120 minutes, then the software will automatically take the backup after every 120 minutes.
  • First Backup After: Define the backup after the very first configuration of the server.exe file. For example, if the user defines 15 minutes, then the server will take the first backup after 15 minutes and then after every 120 minutes.
  • Maximum Backup's: Define how many backups of the financial year need to be taken. It saves space as the last backup stores all the important data of the relevant financial year.
  • Backup Path: Define the backup location for data backup. By default, the location of the backup is C drive, but it can be changed as per the user's requirements.
  • Backup Of: Select which backup needs to be taken, i.e. All, Current/Working or No.
  • External Data Security: This configuration is basically for the data uploading on NET with multiple options, i.e. Day's First Backup, Alternate Backup, All Backup, After Hour(uploads data on the web server after the defined time.
  • Backup on FTP/Website: Define the FTP and the website where the backup will be stored.
  • User ID: Define the FTP username.
  • Change Password: Define the FTP password.
  • Make the desired changes in the server settings.
  • Then press 'Enter' key on it.
  • After following the above steps, the software will start taking data backup automatically as per the defined time period.

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