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How to Restore Server Backup in Marg Software ?



Overview/Introduction to Restore Server Backup in Marg ERP Software

Process to Restore Server Backup in Marg ERP Software


Security of data is as important as its accuracy while using accounting software. It is necessary to ensure that the data remains secure for smooth working of organization.

The need to Restore Backup arises when the data gets corrupted. In such a case, if there is a backup of data, then it can be restored from the backup and the work can be continued without any hindrance.


  • Now, the user will open the Marg Select the Company.
  • Then an alert window will appear with one of the file is being corrupted.
  • The user will recover this particular corrupted file from where the backup is being taken in case if any file is being corrupted
  • In order to recover this corrupted fileclick on 'Ok'.

  • Then press 'ESC' key  and click on 'Yes' to Exit from this window.


  • A 'Marg Backup' window will appear where the user will click on 'Backup'.

  • Then all the companies will appear along with the financial year.
  • Press 'SpaceBar' key on that company in which user needs to restore the backup. Press 'Enter' key.

Note: The user will press 'Spacebar' key to select particular company or press Asterisk '*' key to select All Companies.

  • Suppose select 'Marg ERP Ltd.'.

  • A window of 'Marg' will appear where the user can view the path of backup wherever the is IMP Backup is saved:
  • Server Backup Path: This backup is saved/stored in 'C' drive or in define path in server.

  • Server Backup: Second backup of Server is saved on this path. 

  • Keep pressing 'Enter' key on it.
  • A 'Backup Recover From' window will appear. Select backup file from which date the user needs to recover the backup .i.e Till which month the data was accurate.
  • Then press 'Enter' key on it.

An 'Attention Please' window will appear in which the File name is 'GLEDGER'.  it will ask to reload file with two options:

1. Only This: Select that option if the user needs to recover that file which is corrupted i.e. Reloads only the selected file.

2. All Files: Reloads all the files.

Suppose user needs to Recover only corrupted data so set 'Only This'.

Then type 'SURE'.

After following the above steps, the backup will get restored and after finishing the backup restore process the software will be auto closed.  

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