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If ' Check Path ' alert appear while running Server Exe File then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?




This issue appear when the folder of backup (User have mentioned in the server EXE) has not been created properly.

If  'Check Path' alert appear at the time of run Server.Exe File then this issue can easily be resolved.

To resolve the error of 'Check Path' ,the user needs to follow below steps:

  • On 'Backup Path' option, the user will press 'Enter'. 

  • An Alert of 'Backup Path Not Found! Create Backup Path' window will appear.
  • Click on 'Yes'.

  • Now the user will press 'Pagedown' key.

After following the above steps, the error of 'Check Path' will be resolve and Backup Path folder will be created in the define path.

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