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How to fix ' Unregistered ' alert which appears on Client system of Marg Software ?



On node system if software shows an alert of 'Unregistered Software' then this issue can be resolved:


This Error appears when the server file has not been opened on the main system.


In order to resolve this issue user needs to open the server file on Main system by following the below steps:

Note: The user needs to perform this steps on the Main system.

    • Firstly, Go to Marg Icon Right Click on Icon > Open File location.

    • Then 'Marg' folder will open in which the user will  Search 'Server' and press 'Enter' key on it. 

    • Thereafter server file will get opened in which user needs to select 'Yes' in the options of 'Server Type Authorisation', 'Backup' and 'Services'.Press 'Pagedown' key twice.

    After following the above steps, the server will start syncing node system as it will 'recognize the computer and software will get registered.


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