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How to view Item wise MR / Month wise Sale Report in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Reports > Sale Analysis > Item Wise Sale > M.R./Month Wise.

  • An 'Items' window will appear.
  • The user will select particular Item for which report needs to be view.
  • Suppose select 'Acnederm Lot'.

A 'MR/Month wise' window will appear.

a. From-To: The user will feed the date range from which date till which date report needs to be view.

b. Operator Name: The user will select the operator name to view operator wise report.

c. 80Column/132 Column Paper: The user will set column on bill format as per the requirement.

d. Stock Less: The user will set option as following.

Yes: To view report with Stock Issue transactions detail.

No: To view report without  Stock Issue transactions detail.

Only: To view report of only Stock Issue transactions detail.

e. Value in Rs./Thousands/Lakhs: The user will set option to view amount value in formats i.e. Rs. , thousand, Lakhs.

f. Amt=Rate*Qty,Net,R*Qt-Disc.:The user can define the amount calculation as per the requirement.

g. All/Selected: The user will set 'S' to view report of Selected Company otherwise keep the option as 'A' to view All Company.

h. Terminal: If working in multi user environment so the user can mention the Terminal/System Name for which report needs to be generate.

i. Order from App/Non AppThe user can include sale order from app and non app.

j. Top 10 in Qty/Value/All/Trans.: The user will set option to view top 10 quantity/value/all/transaction wise report.

k. Net/Sale/SR/BE/Rep/PD/Smp/Stf: The user will select the option on which bases report needs to view i.e. net sale, sale, sale return, brk/exp issue, replacement issue or store transfer wise.

l. Value in Decimal: The user will set option 'Yes' to view value in decimal.

m. Qty/Cases/Box/Value/(Qty+Free)/Qty+Free: The user will select option to view item unit i.e. quantity, cases, box, value or quantity + free wise.

n. Value-Y/Weight-W required beyond qty: The user will select option 'V' to view item value wise or 'W' to view item weight wise report.

o. Monthly/Quartly/1-12 days/31 days: The user will select option as per the requirement to view report of only selected days or month wise.

p. Last Year Comparison: The user will set option 'Y' to view report with comparison of the last year otherwise keep the option as 'N'.

q. More Item Selections: The user will set option 'Yes' for more item selection otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

r. Selected Company: The user will set option 'Yes' to view report particular Company otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

s. Selected Station: The user will set option 'Yes' to view report particular station wise otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

t. Selected Area: The user will set option 'Yes' to view report Particular Area wise otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

u. Selected M.R.: The user willset option 'Yes' to view report Particular M.R. wise otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

v. Selected Route: The user will set option 'Yes' to view report Particular Route wise otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

w. Continue/Separate: The user will select option to view report on continue basis or separate by Area/M.R./Route.

x. Selected Party: The user will set option 'Yes' to view report Particular Party wise otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

Click on 'View/Print' as per the requirement.

Suppose click on 'View'.

After following the above steps, the user can view Item wise MR Monthly Sale report in Marg Software.

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