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What is the process of TDS on Purchase of Goods in Marg Software ?



Overview of TDS on Purchase of Goods

Process of TDS on Purchase of Goods in Marg ERP Software

Process to View TDS Report in Marg ERP Software


  • new Section, Section 194Q has been added which deals with the Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on Purchase of Goods.
  • The provision of Section 194Q would apply to a buyer whose turnover exceeds INR 10 Crore in the previous financial year & has purchased the goods for more than 50 lakhs or done the transactions of more than 50 lakhs then TDS will get deducted on it.
  • Along with it, if the buyer has provided the PAN Card then 0.1% tax will get deducted and the tax would be required to be deducted at a higher rate of 5%, if the buyer does not hold a PAN Card.
  • The Section 194Q is applicable from 1st July 2021.


  • Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control Room.

  • ‘Controls’ window will appear.
  • In Search field, type ‘TDS’ and then click on ‘Accept’.

In 'TDS on Purchase Y-Amount + All Tax O-Amount + GST E-Amount  N-No' the user will select the option as per the requirement.

a. Y-Amount+All Tax: Select the option to charge TDS on the amount including all types of taxes in the bill.

b. O-Amount+GST: Select the option to charge TDS on the amount and only GST value on the bill.

c. E-Amount: Select the option to charge TDS only on the amount.

d. N-No: Select the option if don't need to charge TDS

Suppose select 'Y'.

b. Calculate only if customer Purchase Cross……. 5000000: It means if the buyer’s purchase value is above 50 lacs then TDS will be calculated on it

c. Calculate from Date: Mention the date i.e. from which date it will be applicable (01-07-2021).

d. % (Percentage) on PAN Customer: It means that if the customer provides their PAN Card then 0.1% TDS will get deducted.

e. % on without PAN Customer: It means that if the customer doesn’t provide their PAN Card then 5% TDS will get deducted.

  • Now press ‘Escape’ key

  • The user will again press 'Escape' key and save the changes.

  • Now the party whose TDS the user needs to deduct for that, go to Masters >> Ledger Master >> Ledger >> Modify Ledger.

  • Select party & Press ‘Enter’ key on that particular party.
  • Then select ‘B. Other Detail’.

  • Now the user can view that an option of ‘TDS on Purchase’ is shown.
  • If the user wants that whenever billing for this party is done then software must automatically deduct TDS then select ‘Charge.
  • If the user wants that whenever billing for this party is done, then software must ask first to deduct TDS then select ‘Ask Charge’.  
  • If the user wants that the software must firstly check that whether TDS will be applicable or not and then deduct TDS, so select ‘Auto Check and Charge
  • If the user wants that the software must firstly check that whether TDS will be applicable or not and then ask before deducting TDS, so select ‘Auto Check and Ask
  • Suppose select ‘B-Ask Charge’.

  • Then press ‘Page down’ key to save it

Now let’s generate a Purchase bill

  • Go to Transactions >> Purchase >> Bill.

  • ‘Purchase Entry’ window will appear. Press ‘Enter’.

  • ‘Ledgers’ window will appear with the list of the ledgers.
  • The user will select the ledger.
  • Suppose select ‘Ahuja Medicine Centre’.

  • Mention the party number.
  • Suppose mention ‘4560’.

  • Then select the items as per the requirement.

  • Now press ‘Tab’ key to save the bill

  • ‘TDS Alert’ window will appear in which it is showing that the party has PAN Card and 0.1% TDS will be applicable on its bill amount.  
  • Now in order to deduct the TDS, click on ‘Yes’.

  • So in this way TDS will automatically get charged at the time of billing

  • The user will now save the bill.

  • Now go to Books >> All Ledgers.

  • ‘Ledger Accounts’ window will appear.
  • Select that particular party of whose TDS has been deducted.
  • Suppose select ‘Ahuja Medicine Centre’. Press ‘Enter’.

  • A ‘Ledger Display’ window will appear.
  • The user will mention the date and click on ‘Ledger’.

  • The user can view all the bills of that particular party.
  • Now simply select that bill on which TDS has been deducted and press ‘F8’ key.

  • A ‘Voucher Modification’ window will appear in which the user can view that its posting is automatically been done in the Purchase voucher. 

  • If the user will again go to Books >> All ledgers then the user will get the ledger of ‘TDS on Purchase’.

  • Press enter on it >> Mention the date >> Click on ‘Ledger’.

  • Now the user can view that the TDS has been deducted on the purchase of which all goods.



  • Before generating TDS reports, the user will firstly go to GST >> TDS/TCS Reports >> Misc Deductor Detail.

  • A ‘Details of TDS & Person Responsible for Deduction of Tax’ window will appear.
  • The user will fill details of the person who is deducting TDS i.e. who is responsible to deduct the tax.
  • Then click on ‘Ok.

  • Now in order to view TDS reports, go GST >> TDS/TCS Reports >> Form 26Q.

  • A ‘Select TDS Ledger’ window will appear.
  • Here, the user will select ‘TDS on Purchase’ by pressing the ‘spacebar’ key.

  • A ‘Form 26Q Details’ window will appear with different fields:
  • Select Period of the TDS Return: Select the period i.e. of which quarter the user needs to view the details. 
  • Tax Deduction Account No.: Mention the Tax deduction account number.
  • Permanent Account No.: Mention the Permanent account number.
  • Person responsible for deducting Tax: Mention the name of the person who is responsible to deduct the tax.
  • Designation of the person above: Mention the designation of the person who is responsible to deduct the tax.
  • Place of Report: Mention the place of report.
  • Date of Report: Mention the date of report.

  • Then click on ‘View’

  • The user can now view the details of the return

  • Apart from it, the user can print it, export it in excel and can also view in GUI

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