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If SGST and CGST Amount does not match while generating GSTR 3B then how to resolve it in Marg Software?



1. Go to Masters > Ease of GST > Item GST%/HSN/Rate updation. Press Enter.

2. An Item GST%/HSN/Rate updation window will appear. Select options as per the requirement. Click on Accept.

3. An Item wise HSN/SAC master window will appear. Press the 'F6' function key on the report.

4. MRP to Rate formula window will appear. Click on Only Tax %.

5. In the next window user need to Correct Tax % as per the requirement.

6. Then press Esc key.

7. The Tax structure window will appear. Select options as the requirement. Keep pressing Enter key.

After following the above steps the user has to change all bills with the current tax.

Note: To know the process of change tax in all bills with the current tax, the user needs to click on the given link https://bit.ly/2RXEUnA.

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