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If 'Slipno not found' alert appears while deleting any financial year / Company then how to resolve it in Marg ERP Software ?



In Marg ERP Software, the user can resolve the issue if any company does not delete and show an alert of 'Slip No. not found'.


1. If the user data has been corrupted.

2. If the user SLIPNO file has been deleted.


1. The user needs to recover Slip No file if the backup is available.

2. The user needs to Manually add the SLIPNO file by following the below steps:

  • The user will check the Company Code on Main Comapny Gateway.

  •  The user will press right click on marg icon and click on 'Open File Location' option.

  • The user will press 'Enter' key on 'Data' folder.

  • The user will search 'SLIPNO' file and press 'Ctrl+C' key.

  • Press 'Ctrl+P' key to paste file.

  • Press 'F2' key to change file extension.

  • Feed the extension of Slip No file and press 'Enter' key.
  • Suppose mention 'Slipno.v01'.

After following the above steps, the user can Delete Company in Marg ERP Software.

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