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Overview of Data Export from Tally Prime Software and Import in Marg ERP Software
Process to Export Masters from Tally Prime Software and Import in Marg ERP Software
Process to Export Day Book from Tally Prime Software and Import in Marg ERP Software
Process to Import Tally Prime Data in Marg ERP Software
Overview of Data Export from Tally Prime Software and Import in Marg ERP Software
With the help of this New Feature, the user can easily Import the Data in Marg ERP Software which has been exported from Tally Prime Software. The user can Export and Import Data in three ways: Only Master Data, Only Transactions Data or Full Data Transfer.
**Important Notice**
Process to Export Masters from Tally Prime Software and Import in Marg ERP Software
The user will select the other filters as per the requirement.
a. Include dependent Masters: The user will select 'Yes' to include the dependent masters otherwise keep it as 'No'.
b. Export closing balance as opening balance: The user will select 'Yes' if the closing balance needs to be imported as opening otherwise keep it as 'No'.
c. File Format: The user will select 'XML (Data Interchange)'.
d. Folder Path: The software will pick default 'Folder Path' and the user can change it as per the requirement.
e. File Name: The software will pick automatically pick the 'File Name'.
Press 'ESC' key to save Changes.
Fig. 2.1 View of Exported Master.xml File
Process to Export Day Book from Tally Prime Software and Import in Marg ERP Software
The user will select the other filters as per the requirement.
a. Include dependent Masters: The user will select 'Yes' to include the dependent masters otherwise keep it as 'No'.
b. Period: The user will enter the 'Time Period' for which data needs to be Exported.
c. File Format: The user will select 'XML (Data Interchange)'.
d. Folder Path: The software will pick default 'Folder Path' and the user can change it as per the requirement.
e. File Name: The software will pick automatically pick the 'File Name'.
Press 'ESC' key to save Changes.
Fig. 3.1 View of Exported Transactions.xml File
Process to Import Tally Prime Data in Marg ERP Software
Note - The 'Time Period' for which Data needs to be Exported and Imported should be Same in Tally Prime Software and Marg ERP Software.
The user will select this option as per the requirement.
a. Masters w/o Balance: The user will select this option to Import Masters without Balance.
b. Masters with Balance: The user will select this option to Import Masters with Balance.
c. Full Transfer: The user will select this option to Import Whole Data.
d. Daybook only: The user will select this option to Import Daybook Only.
Suppose select 'Full Transfer'.
Fig. 1.1 View of Profit and Loss in Tally Prime Software
Fig. 1.2 View of Profit and Loss in Marg ERP Software
After following the above steps, the user can import Tally Prime Software Data in Marg ERP Software.