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What are the Reasons of Rejection for e - Invoice ( e - Invoice Error ) in Marg Software ?



Common Errors: e invoice

S.No. e-invoicing Error message Reason for e-invoicing Error Resolution


Duplicate Invoice Reference Number This error may appear due to the unsuccessful uploading of invoice on IRP portal for any of the reason i.e. Improper Internet Connectivity, system got shut down in between the process, system failure etc.

To avoid this error, don’t send the same

request simultaneously. Wait for the IRN

before updating the system. Reply to the

request only if the IRN is not obtained.



Invalid HSN code(s)-{0} If user has entered wrong HSN code in the transaction.

Firstly cross check the HSN code from e-invoice

portal. The user can also confirm the HSN code

by sending that HSN code to the help desk

for confirmation.

    3 Supplier and recipient GSTIN should not be the same. This error appears if Same GSTIN is provided for the supplier and buyer. Self-generated invoices are ineligible for e-invoice generation.
    4 Invalid GST rate for HSN -{0} and Sl. No {1}. This issue appears if the Incorrect GST rate is entered for the particular item.  . Make sure that the correct GST rate is entered for each item.
    5 Recipient Pincode is mandatory for the transaction -{0} This issue appears if the recipient PIN code is missing. Provide recipient PIN code.

Bill Number Expression not in proper format      


The field document number must match the expression'((a-zA-Z1-9)(1)(a-zA-Z0-9/-)(0,15))$’


The document number doesn’t match with regular expression

Document Number/Bill Number is not as per the required format

The Document Number/Bill Number must fulfill below canditions:

1. Document Number/Bill Number cannot be empty.

2. Should be contains maximum 16 characters.

3. No space available 

4. Only ' / (forward slash) 'allowed as a special character

5. The first character of the Document Number/Bill number should be an Alphabet i.e. A00001. Click here for more info.

    7 GSTIN is not active If the GSTIN is inactive/cancelled.

The user needs to check the GSTIN. If click on β€˜Sync GSTIN from GST CP’ API.

1. GSTIN available in the GST portal:

 On receiving the details, you can resend the IRN generation request.

2. Verification through API failed:

 In this case, one can go to einvocie1.gst.gov.inportal and click on the β€˜Taxpayer/ GSTIN’ option under the search menu to manually check the status.


Authentication Server Error


Some error Occur while connecting to Server

1. The user has not selected GSP i.e. My GST Cafe in GSTR settings of software.

2. The user has mentioned wrong ID & password in GSTR settings.

The user needs to check the GSTIN. If click on β€˜Sync GSTIN from GST CP’ API.

1.The user will select β€˜Pinnacle Finserve' in GSTR settings’ of software.

2.The user needs to mention the corrected user ID & password of e-invoice in GSTR settings.Click here for more info.

    9 Chilkat Not Registered

This error appears, if the Chilkat file doesn't registered on the system.

In order to resolve this issue, the user needs to register the Chikat file on the system.Click here for more info.


Error Regenerating Auth Token

This alert appears if the user has mentioned wrong login credentials of E-Invoice in Marg Software..

In order to resolve this issue, the user needs to mention the correct credentials of E-Invoice in Marg Software.Click here for more info.


Service Ask Fail This issue appears if the user has not given proper Security Powers to the Drive in which Marg Software is being Installed.

In order to resolve this issue, the user needs to check the security & permission of the Marg Folder otherwise needs to change the internet port .Click here for more info.


QR code on printing on Invoice. It probably happens when user has not removed some characters/ digits from the command .

If the user has not removed any '21' from the command.

12   TCS Amount is not effect in e-invoice  It probably happens because the user has disabled the option from GSTR settings available in the software. This can be resolved by enabling the option from GSTR settings available in the software Click here for more info.

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