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e-Invoice: FAQ's



Frequently Asked Questions

Electronic Invoicing (e-Invoicing) is a system in which Business-to-Business (B2B) invoices, Export invoices & Invoices of Credit Note/Price Difference Debit Notes of Registered parties are validated electronically by GSTN for further use on the common GST portal.

There are three modes/methods of e-invoice generation.

  • The user can generate by using the offline/excel tool.
  • The Second Method to use API mode – directly or through GSPs.
  • Through JSON
  • No, the individuals who are already registered on the e-way bill portal they do not have any need to again register on the e-invoice system. Therefore, the user can easily use EWB login credentials for uploading e-invoices on IRP portal.

    It is a unique number which is also known as hash. It is formatted by the e-invoice system by using a hash generation algorithm. When the user will upload any document i.e. Debit , credit notes or any sale invoice then the e-invoicing system will generate a unique Code which is based on the computation of GSTIN of supplier of invoice, Year, Document type & Document number. IRN is dynamic for each & every invoice. Hence, It identity for each invoice for the entire financial year is unique.

    There are two modes for generation of IRN
  • Using excel offline tool
  • Using API integration
  • No, only unique invoice from a taxpayer will be accepted by the e-invoice system. E-invoice system will check in Central Registry of GST system to ensure that same invoice from same supplier pertaining to same financial year is not being uploaded again for generating one more IRN.

    If the IRN will be generated once then it cannot be modified or deleted. However, if IRN is generated with wrong information, it can be cancelled and the cancellation is required to be done within 24 hours from the time of generation. Click here for more info.

    If there will be a mistake, incorrect or wrong entry in the e-invoice, then the e-invoice cannot be edited or corrected. There is only option is to cancel that invoice/IRN and generate a new document (with new number) and needs to generate a fresh IRN.

    The user can’t be able to be partially cancel the E-Invoice/IRN can’t. It has to be fully cancelled. The e-invoice mechanism enables invoices to be cancelled. This will have to be triggered through the IRP within 24 hours.

    The user can cancel the e-invoice only within 24 hours of its generation.

    The user can only generate IRN within 48 hours of generating e-invoice.

    The credentials of e-invoicing would be valid for 6-7 months.

    To calculate e-invoicing eligibility, the preceding year's turnover, beginning from FY 2017-18, should be considered.

    It is mandatory to have 6-8 digits of HSN Code to upload an invoice on Invoice Registration Portal.

    The user can load maximumly 1000 items in a particular bill for e-Invoicing purpose.

    The IRN number contains 64 characters.

    The IRN number contains 15 digits.

    In Order to generate e-Invoice of Brk Exp Receive entry in Marg Software, the user needs to click here

    No, we cannot generate e-Invoice of cancelled Bill No.

    Yes, we can generate Back Date e-Invoice.

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