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How to fix an alert of ' Access Denied ' which appears on Node / Client system while opening Marg Software ?



If while opening Marg Software on the Node / Client system an alert of 'Access Denied' appears then it can be due to a permission issue of the marg folder on the main server. The user needs to give permission to resolve this issue.

In order to resolve 'Access Denied', the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Right click on 'Marg' icon and select 'Open file location'.

  • The Marg Folder will get open, now the user will press 'BackSpace' key.

  • The user can view the Marg Folder.

  • Right click on Marg Folder and go to Give access to > Specific people.

  • Now type 'Everyone' and click on 'Add' button.

  • Click on dropdown icon.

  • Select 'Read/Write' option.

  • Now the user will type 'Users' and click on 'Add' button.

  • Give 'Read/Write' permission to the user also.

  • Click on 'Share' button.

  • Now click on 'Done' button.
  • If still issue does not resolved the user needs to do Sharing.

After following the above steps, the 'Access Denied' alert will get resolved which appears on Node / Client while opening Marg Software.

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