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How to Recover MST File ( Data ) in New Demo of Marg Software ?



In Marg Software the user can recover the data in New Demo easily.

In order to Recover the data in New Demo, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Right click on Marg icon of new setup and select 'Run as Admin'.

  • The software will open, the user will press 'F9' key.

A 'Recover' window will appear.

a. Self backup Path: If the user takes the backup manually, that path can be mentioned in this field.

b. Carbon Copy Path: In this option, the user will define that path where the user has taken the Imp backup, otherwise software will auto pick that path.

c. Server Backup Path: In this option, the user will define that path where the user has taken the server backup, otherwise software will auto pick that path.

d. Server Backup: In this option, the user will define that path where the user set the server backup, otherwise software will auto pick that path.

  • Suppose the user takes IMP backup and needs to pick the data from carbon copy path.
  • In Carbon Copy Path, select 'Yes'.

  • Usually Carbon Copy backup path is in 'C' Drive with the name of 'IMPback' folder.
  • The user will press 'Ctrl+C' key to copy the path.

  • Paste the path here by pressing 'Ctrl+V' key.

e. Protected Backup: Protected backup are those backups which are hidden in system. The software auto takes backup on 2 places, so the user will select '1st' or '2nd' as per the requirement.

Suppose select '1'.

  • Now press 'Enter' key.

  • A 'Backup Recover From' window will appear.
  • Now the user needs to check the date / time / size of file from which data needs to be recover.
  • Select the file only with the Ext. of '.MST'. 

Note: The file with '.MST' contains the company details that are available in Marg Software.

  • A 'Recover' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'Recover Data'.

  • A 'Recover Data' window will appear.
  • Now the user will type 'RECOVER MY DATA' and press 'Enter' key.

  • A Marg ERP 9+ alert of 'Successfully Recovered' window will appear.
  • Click on 'Ok'.

  • Another window will appear with the details of Company and Financial year.
  • In 'File Corrupted', the user can view 'SlipNo' file of paticular financial year Ext.
  • In 'Carbon Copy', the user will mention the same path to recover data.

Note: SlipNo file contains all the settings of control room.

  • Keep pressing 'Enter' key.

  • A 'Backup Recover From' window will appear.
  • Now the user will check Date / Time / Size of file and select backup file from which data needs to recover.
  • Press 'Enter' key.

An 'Attention Please' window will appear.

a. File Name: The Name of the recovering File will be show here i.e. ‘SlipNo'

b. Files Reload: It will ask to reload file with two options:

Only This: With the help of this option only file which is displays here (SLIPNO) will get recovered.

All Files: With the help of this option all files data will reload from the selected backup.

Suppose select 'Only This'.

  • Now, the user will type 'SURE'.

  • Again window will appear to recover another file
  • Now in 'File Corrupted', the user can view 'Dis' file of paticular financial year Ext.
  • In 'Carbon Copy', the user will mention the same path to recover data.

  • A 'Backup Recover From' window will appear.
  • Now the user will check Date / Time / Size of file and select backup file from which data needs to recover.
  • Press 'Enter' key.

  • Usually 'Dis' file is recovered with 'All Files'.
  • So select 'All Files'.

  • Now, the user will type 'SURE'.

  • The user can view data is recovering.
  • In case the user have multiple Companies or Financial year, the user needs to follow the same procedure for Each company.

After following the above steps , the user will open software and can view data will get recover in New Demo of Marg Software.


1. Firstly the user will Download New Setup of Marg Software.

2. Go to (old Marg) Desktop > Right click on 'Marg Icon' > Open File Location.

Note: The current software which the user is using must be closed from each node before copying it.

3. Marg folder will open in which the user will copy Data Folder by pressing 'Ctrl+C' key.

4. Now the user will go to New Marg folder (which the user has just installed).

5. Now, the use will paste Date folder by pressing 'Ctrl+V' key.

6. The user will have to wait for the processing to be completed.

7. A 'Replace' or 'Skip' file window will appear. Click on 'Replace the files in the destination'.

8. In the new Marg folder user will search 'SNMANRI'. Press 'Enter' key on it.

9. A 'Notepad' file will open with some codding.

10. The user will press 'Ctrl+A' key to select all data of file and press 'Delete' key to delete data.

11. After that press 'Ctrl+S' key to save the blank file and Exit from the window.

12. Now, the user will run the New Demo of Marg Software.

13. An alert window will appear. Click on 'Recover' tab.

14. A 'Recover Path' will appear. The software will auto pick the path from drives. Keep pressing 'Enter' key.

15. A 'Backup Recover From' the window will appear. The user will press 'Enter' key on '.MST' file i.e Tuesday.MST, Wednesday.MST etc. from which data needs to be recover. (Check Date/Time/Size of file from which data needs to recover).

16. An 'Attention Please' window will appear. In 'Files Reloaded' option, the user will select 'All Files'.

17. Now type 'SURE' and press 'Enter' key.

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