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How to mail Purchase Order Statement in Marg Software ?



Note: In order to use this feature make sure an E-mail Setup should be activated in the Marg Software.

  • Go to Transactions > Purchase Order > Summary.

  • A 'Summary' window will appear where the user will select the options as per the requirement.

a. Date Range: Mention the date range from which to which the report needs to be mail.

b. On order/Due Date: Select whether the report needs to be viewed on the basis of order date or due date.

Suppose select 'Order date'.

c. Selected Order: If report needs to be mail for the selected order then mention here.

  • A 'Select Company' window will appear
  • The user will select the companies as per the requirement.

Note: Single company can be selected by pressing space bar or plus (+) key on it & all can be selected by pressing star (*) key

  • Now the user can view all the pending orders of the selected date range.
  • Press 'Alt+P' key.

  • A 'Report' window will appear, the user will select  'Summary'.

  • Now select View/Print/Excel as per the requirement. 
  • Suppose click on 'View'.

  • As the user can view the report of pending orders and to mail the report to the selected party, the user needs to click on 'Email ' icon.

  • A 'Printer Port' window will appear.
  • The user will select printer port and then click on 'Okay'.

  • A 'Marg Mailer' window will appear. 
  • In 'To' field the user will mention the email Id to which the report needs to be mail.
  • Select other options as per the requirement. 
  • Then click on 'E-mail'.

After following the above steps, the user can view that the order summary report is being sending to the party.

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