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Home > Margerp > Structure Junk Verificarion > If ' Invalid Unit (only alphabet allowed) ' alert appears while Exporting Data for Tally Software then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?

If ' Invalid Unit (only alphabet allowed) ' alert appears while Exporting Data for Tally Software then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?




This issue appears as the user have mentioned the Numeric Digits in the Unit of Item Master.

In Marg Software, if at the time of exporting data for Tally software an error displays 'Invalid unit (Only alphabet allowed)' then this issue can be resolved easily.

Case 1: If user needs to make changes only in some Item, then it can be done Manually.

Case 2: If user needs to make changes in All Items, then it can be done through Direct Command.

Note:  The user needs to first Take Backup of Financial year.

In order to make changes in All Items through Direct Command, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Reports > Management Report > Utilities > Structure/Junk Verification > Direct Command.

  • A 'Direct Command' window will appear. Enter the Password.

  • A 'Command' window will appear.
  • Type 'SELECT PRO'. Press 'Enter' key and type 'BROWS'.
  • Click on 'Run'.

  • A 'PRO' file will display, the user will minimize the file.

  • Again type (REPLACE ALL UNIT WITH "PCS").
  • Click on 'Run'.

  • Now, the user will click on 'Exit' to exit from this window.

After following the above steps, the user can Export Data for Tally in Marg Software. 

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